October 5, 16:00 – 18:00

Jan Grarup is Danish photojournalist, visual artist, keynote speaker and father of four children.
In times of humanitarian crisis, armed conflicts, civil wars and famines, Jan Grarup is one of those who shapes the storytelling on humanitarian catastrophes and human rights through his photography.
Over the course of his twenty-five-year career, Grarup has photographed many of recent history’s defining human rights and conflict issues. Grarup’s work reflects his belief in photojournalism’s role as an instrument of witness and memory to incite change, and the necessity of telling the stories of people who are rendered powerless to tell their own.
His images of the Rwandan and Darfur genocides provide incontrovertible evidence of unthinkable human brutality, in the hope that such events will never happen or be allowed to happen again. His work, The Boys from Ramallah and The Boys from Hebron, covers both sides of the Intifada expressed through the lives of children coming of age amidst the violence. Grarup’s work takes the viewer to the limits of human despair, dignity, suffering and hope. His images are relevant to us all, because they form a chronicle of the time in which we live, but at times do not dare to recognize.
Ein intimes Porträt des weltbekannten Fotografen Jan Grarup: Als Kriegsfotograf riskiert er immer wieder sein Leben, während zu Hause in Kopenhagen seine vier Kindern warten. Doch plötzlich ist er alleinerziehend und muss sein Lebenskonzept überdenken. PHOTOGRAPHER OF WAR gibt Einblicke in die Arbeitsrealität eines Kriegsfotografen, zeichnet aber auch das psychologisches Porträt eines Mannes, der 25 Jahre lang die Schrecken des Krieges dokumentiert hat und sich plötzlich einem neuen, inneren Kampf stellen muss.
Grarup was honoured with many of the most prestigious awards from the photography industry and human rights organizations, Including 8 World Press Photo awards, UNICEF, W. Eugene Smith Foundation for Humanistic Photography, Oskar Barnack award, POYi and NPPA. In 2005 he was awarded with a Visa d’Or at the Visa Pour l’Image photo festival in France, for his coverage of Darfur’s refugee crisis.

The lecture with photographer Jan Grarup will be introduced by German photographer Bert Loewenherz. It will be followed by Q&A from Bert Loewenherz and the audience.
HRFFB Festival Centre @ BUFA, Oberlandstraße 26-35, 12099 Berlin