"High Confidence – Films & Human Rights in Crisis" is a Human Rights Film Festival Berlin podcast on current film and human rights affairs worldwide. All information on the topic and streaming options of the fourth episode can be found here.
We also have an overview of all podcast episodes and streaming options on our podcast news page. Have fun listening!

[4] ... in conversation with Belina Raffy & Pablo Suarez
Topic: Humor in the communication of complex & difficult topics
Belina Raffy: founder of Sustainable Stand Up
Pablo Suarez: Associate Director of Research & Innovation at Red Cross Red Crescent - Climate Center
[4] ... in conversation with Belina Raffy & Pablo Suarez
In our fourth episode, we talk to Belina Raffy (founder of Sustainable Stand Up) and Pablo Suarez (Associate Director of Research and Innovation at the Red Cross Red Crescent - Climate Center) about the positive effects of humour.
We explore how humour can help us to communicate complex and difficult issues in a smart and entertaining way. And, how humour can help us to communicate climate facts in particular. We also talk about sustainable communication concepts like Sustainable Stand Up or Cartoonathons and how positive thinking and a breeze of self-irony can help us in crisis situations.