The Human Rights Film Festival Berlin is inviting storytellers to attend the Human Rights Forum from 20 to 23 September 2021. This four-day international and transdisciplinary conference on storytelling, human rights and activism will be opened by German Minister of State Michelle Müntefering. International guests like Aya Chebbi, Ece Temelkuran and Wim Wenders will provide insights into their work, ideas and current projects in keynotes, discussions and workshops.
The Human Rights Forum is an innovative platform that aims to promote the transformative power of storytelling, creating a place where film-makers, media professionals, artists*, activists, NGO workers and scholars can discuss and share their stories with the world. This is the promise behind the forum, which is offering four days of open discussions, workshops and pitches.”
Forum highlights include a keynote by Tunisian activist and first African Youth Ambassador Aya Chebbi on storytelling and activism, an in-depth conversation with Ece Temelkuran about strategies for countering populism and a discussion with journalist and Afghanistan expert Graeme Smith on the fine line between journalism and activism. He is also co-director of the film “Ghosts on Afghanistan”, a director's cut of which will be screened at the festival.
Location: Atelier Gardens @ BUFA. Oberlandstraße 26–35, 12099 Berlin (Tempelhof)

Can storytelling change the world?
Oh yes, it can! Just think of the famous picture of crying children, soldiers at their backs, running away from their village, with black clouds of smoke rising in the background. The photo by Nick Út, an American-Vietnamese photographer, was taken in a village northwest of Saigon after the South Vietnamese Air Force accidentally dropped a load of napalm on it, and changed the global perception of that world. Ut’s photo, which shows the raw impact of the conflict, underscores the fact that war does more harm than good.“ In 1973, the Pulitzer Prize Board agreed with him and awarded him the prize. That same year, America’s involvement in the war ended.
As a global society, we need to understand different point of views, discuss the various approaches we take, learn from each other and build strong alliances to achieve lasting change. We are convinced that international and transdisciplinary exchange can strengthen excellent storytelling and inspire new approaches, perhaps helping us to rethink ingrained and sometimes even discriminatory structures.
We are therefore hosting not only a hybrid Forum but also – together with our partners – two satellite events in other parts of the world. Our aim is to connect experts from different locations and encourage them to leave their own bubbles to discuss potential solutions to the challenges we are facing and new forms of storytelling with others. We want to include perspectives from all over the world and foster a truly long-lasting exchange.
Our hybrid concept means that the Forum is open to every change-maker and storyteller around the world. It is free of charge and provides participants access to in-depth discussions, a platform to find new partners, and workshops on topics ranging from designing campaigns and developing participative storytelling formats to interview techniques. The aim is to inspire participants in their storytelling, to empower them to advance their projects to the next phase and to connect them with other change-makers around the world.
The Human Rights Film Festival Berlin offers free childcare for participants of the Forum between the ages of 2 and 12 between 11.30 a.m. and 6 p.m. on the Forum days. Pre-registration is necessary as well as a quick test of each child on the day.
Das Human Rights Forum findet zwischen 20. - 23. September online auf unserer Partnerplattform WYTH statt sowie offline in unserem Festivalzentrum den Atelier Gardens @ BUFA.
Atelier Gardens @ BUFA
Oberlandstraße 26-35
12099 Berlin
Um Ihnen die Anfahrt zu erleichtern haben wir für das Forum ein Shuttle-Service zwischen S/U-Bahnhof Hermanstraße und S/U-Bahnhof Tempelhof.

During this year’s Forum we want to explore how storytelling can help to make a sustainable, peaceful and lasting change. By looking at case studies, examining different approaches and discussing storytelling in light of some of the biggest challenges of our time – like the rise of nationalism, worldwide inequality and climate change – we want to develop new approaches and strengthen diverse, excellent forms of storytelling worldwide.
20 September: European Future -European #DocDay II
We want to ask which European themes are being taken up in storytelling, in particular in documentary films, and where artists should dare to take a closer look. In doing so, we will continue the discussion of ‘The Future of European Documentary Film’ that we began in 2020 and focus on the idea of European networking on the one hand and the social relevance of documentary films for a united Europe on the other.
‘Media have the power to make people understand what it really means to be persecuted or discriminated against. They have the potential to build bridges and promote intercultural dialogue on human rights issues across language barriers and national borders. That is why the work of journalists, documentary film-makers and activists is so important. They not only expose human rights violations, but also shape the narrative of human rights protection,’ says Minister of State Michelle Müntefering, who will open the forum.
Atje Drexler is Senior Vice President Global Issues at the Robert Bosch Stiftung, Germany, and leads the foundation's work on inequality and peace. She is also responsible for exploring the Foundation's opportunities for educational engagement in countries of the Global South. From 2013 to 2019, she led the International Relations department Europe and its neighbors and was responsible for building the Robert Bosch Stiftung's Africa portfolio. Atje currently represents the Foundation on various boards, such as the Climate Justice Resilience Fund Review Board or the Board of the European Fund for the Balkans. She is Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for German-Russian Youth Exchange which the Robert Bosch Stiftung helped to establish in 2006.
We frequently see fascinating, heartbreaking, disturbing stories taking place far away from us and wonder: how is this possible? Film makers and journalists often travel to distant locations to find the answers. But the question is: are we focusing enough on European stories, too – or should we adjust our focus? Do we need more epic documentaries on issues like social justice in Europe, and could storytelling play a crucial role in connecting neighbors and building an identity?
i.a. with Aslak Holmberg (Vice President Saami Council), Margje de Koning (Director Movies that Matter), Sonia Nandzik-Herman (Founder reFocus Media Labs), Monica Sassatelli (Associate Professor University Bologna) and Jana Sepehr (Editor Human Rights Film Festival Berlin)
Use the time to network over a relaxed lunch.

Ece Temelkuran is an award-winning Turkish novelist and political commentator, whose journalism has appeared in the Guardian, New York Times, New Statesman, Frankfurter Allgemeine and Der Spiegel. She won the Edinburgh International Book Festival First Book award for her novel WOMEN WHO BLOW THE KNOTS and the Ambassador Of New Europe Award for her book TURKEY: THE INSANE AND THE MELANCHOLY. She is the author of the internationally acclaimed book HOW TO LOSE A COUNRTY. Her latest book is TOGETHER.
Shadow Game is a journey through the dark world of Europe's border regime with teenage refugees as tour guides.
Shadow Game is an interactive transmedia project by Eefje Blankevoort and Els van Driel, in collaboration with many others. It consists of a feature length documentary, a short docu-series, an adventure game, a photo series in collaboration with Cigdem Yuksel, an exhibition and a campaign.
i.a. with Els van Driel (Director Shadow game), Heike Gumz (Europe Must Act), Kerstin Schütt (Twisted Ramble) and Anna Vielhaber (Leitung New-Media Medienboard)

How is the media reporting on this European crisis? What is the role of the media inside and outside of Belarus? And how can it strengthen activists?
i.a. with Tatsiana Hatsura-Yavorska (Director Watch Docs), Nicholas Connolly (Journalist Deutsche Welle), Lotte Leicht (EU Director Human Rights Watch), Victoria Fedorova (Lawyer) and Anna Ramskogler-Witt (Director Human Rights Film Festival Berlin)
This panel discussion will explore the policies that render Europe’s borders deadly for those in search of protection and how to shift the politics of exclusion.
The panel will be chaired by Professor Cathryn Costello, Professor of Fundamental Rights Co-Director of the Centre for Fundamental Rights at the Hertie School and Professor of Refugee and Migration Law at the University of Oxford, with contributions from Dr Grazyna Baranowska, Marie Curie principal investigator on an innovative project exploring Europe’s legal obligations to ‘missing migrants’ in conversation with refugee activists.
with Cathryn Costello (Professor, Hertie School Centre for Fundamental Rights), Grazyna Baranowska (Researcher, Hertie School Centre for Fundamental Rights), Sara Mardini (Athlete), Meron Estefanos (Expert), Salam Aldeen (Team Humanity)
hosted by Hertie School’s Centre for Fundamental Rights
During the process of developing our 2nd feature film TRAPPED IN THE PLAYGROUND our collective, ReFOCUS held deep discussions about how refugees are portrayed by western media, how major news stories tend to leave out what they feel is most critical and questioned whether mainstream media is even needed to tell the story. This workshop encourages a dialogue with mainstream media and citizen journalists, and serves as a call to action for the development of new reporting standards of engagement and radically shifts the dynamics of reporting.
This workshop builds toward the world premiere of a new documentary of the same title by ReFOCUS Media Labs
produced for Allianz Kulturstiftung for Europe's 2021 Berliner Korrespondenzen at Gorki Theater (October 4-6, 2021)
3:30 pm: Designing an Impact Campain
Khadidja Benouataf and Vivian Schröder, both Impact Producers, will lead a two-hour workshop to which they invite representatives of NGOs, foundations, activists and other representatives of civil society organizations to dive into the topic of impact campaigning: How can you work with storytellers? What are the benefits? The documentary "Arica" will help us understand the symbiosis and power of new partnerships as a case study. What solutions can we find for "Shadow Game"?
End the day together with the other conference participants at a relaxed networking event in the beautiful Atelier Gardens at BUFA.

a film by Eefje Blankevoort, Els Van Driel
They call it "The Game." Every day, children and young people try to cross the border into Europe. For protection and a better life, they left behind their families and their country. Now they travel through a bizarre shadowy realm: a world of minefields, bears, raging rivers, smugglers, and border guards. Their dangerous journey often takes months or even years. In the process, the young people risk their lives. Along the way, they quickly grow up. SHADOW GAME gives an intimate, first-hand look at their reality. A hard-hitting film that weaves the experiences of many young refugees into a modern odyssey.
Followed by a panel discussion with directors Eefje Blankevoort und Els Van Driel.
21 September: Storytelling for the Common Good
We want to discuss the potential and challenges of storytelling for the common good and encourage media-makers to take a closer look at this concept. In order to change the world, we need to leave behind the concept of click-focused and disaster-oriented reporting and focus on exchanging information, and fostering dialogue and debate. We see storytelling for the common good as a catalyst for change, for strengthening democracy, and for bringing about an informed, critically thinking society.
re:publica festival director Alexandra Wolf talks to British author Marcus J Gilroy-Ware about misinformation, how it comes about, why our society is so vulnerable to it and what we can do about it.
What does solution-based reporting look like and what impact could it have on society’s perception of our world?
i.a. with Jana Sepehr (Editor Human Rights Film Fesitval Berlin), Ellen Heinrichs (Journalistin, Deutsche Welle), Jesse van ‘t Hull (Editor in Chief NATV), Musa Hadid (Bürgermeister von Ramallah), Nazi (Journalist, Khabar Lahariya) and Suman Gupta (Journalist, Jan Morcha)
Use the time to network over a relaxed lunch.

Josephine Schmidt, Executive Editor
Josephine joined The New Humanitarian in 2018 as our first executive editor. She is an experienced journalist, newsroom leader and media strategist with over 17 years of international newsroom, op-ed and editorial development experience at The New York Times. She has lived and worked in Asia, Europe and North America, launching and managing multilingual websites, magazines, multimedia projects, breaking news coverage and special projects on everything from culture to politics. She has also worked with heads of state, Nobel laureates, artists, dissidents, scientists and business leaders to craft timely and impactful op-ed and analysis pieces. As editorial lead of The New York Times News Service and Syndication division, she oversaw the development and distribution of multi-platform content from The New York Times and other leading media companies to organisations around the world. Josephine began her career in non-profit media in post-communist Eastern Europe, where she helped establish the region’s first post-Soviet journalism training center and then played key roles in launching and leading Transitions, a website and magazine covering the politics, economy, and culture of 27 post-Soviet countries.
Peace by Peace is a huge kaleidoscope consisting of many short films or episodes showing all kinds of surprising aspects of peace around the world, throughout history and humanity. The individual fragments tell unusual stories in different genres - documentary, science fiction, drama, comedy and animation - and together they form a new language of peace.
with Wim Wenders (Director Peace by Peace), Ursula Schröder (Director Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy), Manfred Nowak (General Secretary Global Campus of Human Rights) und Elyx (Digital Ambassador, United Nations)

Journalists today are frequently defamed as activists of populist and repressive movements. But where is the line between journalism and activism? How can journalists and activists join forces for the common good? And do journalists have a responsibility to expose human rights violations and injustice worldwide?
i.a. with Jules Giraudat (Film Maker & Journalist Forbidden Stories), Graeme Smith (Journalist and Analyst), Sania Farooqui (Curator), Bhasha Singh (News Click), Geeta (Khabar Lahariya)
It is becoming increasingly difficult to fund excellent reporting, so philanthropic institutions are stepping in to help – but how much influence do they have on content?
i.a. with Patrice Schneider (Chief Strategy Officer Media Development Investment Fund), Lukas Harlan (Program Director Media & Society, Schöpflin Foundation), Miguel Castro (Global Media Partnerships, Gates Foundation), Jan Sebastian Friedrich Rust (CEO Aktion gegen den Hunger), Sunil (CEO The Independent and Public Spirited Media Foundation
3:30 pm: Humanitarian Journalism: Towards a better understanding of aid and storyfinding in crises regions
Millions of people around the world live in humanitarian crisis areas. While natural disasters are in the media for at least a few days, most humanitarian crises lack political and media attention. Reporting is often still dominated by stereotypes that turn the people affected into indifferent victims and the helpers from the West into rescuers in distress. Time for a change.
In cooperation with The New Humanitarian, Centre for Humanitarian Action, Action Against Hunger.
3:30 pm: Peace by Peace (by invitation only)
End the day together with the other conference participants at a relaxed networking event in the beautiful Atelier Gardens at BUFA.

a film by Julian Sher, Graeme Smith, Natalie Dubios
The war in Afghanistan has been raging for 20 years. Suicide attacks, bombings and kidnappings have cost the lives of nearly 200,000 people. Now the US and its allies – including Germany – have decided to withdraw troops. Yet the conflict has not been resolved: the Taliban is on the advance and the pressure on the civilian population is high. GHOSTS OF AFGHANISTAN provides insights into the longest and most costly conflict in the history of NATO, questions the role of the West, and shows a torn country.
Followed by a Q&A with war reporter and Afghanistan expert Graeme Smith.
22 September: Realistic Utopias
As a global society, we need to believe that change is possible. In order to broaden our choices, we need utopian ideas and we need to show that these are goals that we can achieve. We want to discuss realistic utopias in humanitarian aid, in the fight against inequality and with regard to climate change. In doing so, we want to encourage storytellers from all over the world to take up these ideas, report on them, show that change is possible, inspire and thereby contribute to lasting change.
The panel will discuss existing strategies for tackling severe food and nutrition insecurity in times of protracted crises and climate emergencies. The debate will focus on gaps in approaches to famine prevention in order to promote an enhanced understanding of how to join forces in the fight against hunger and enable key stakeholders to transition from a reactive to a proactive anticipatory humanitarian approach that saves lives. Let us engage in a practical discussion on how to achieve the seemingly utopian idea of a world without hunger by 2030. We need actions NOW: at global, regional and local levels.
Use the time to network over a relaxed lunch.

Aya Chebbi, a multi award-winning Pan-African feminist and diplomat. She rose to prominence as a voice for democracy and shot to global fame as a political blogger during 2010/2011 Tunisia’s Revolution. She served as the first ever African Union Special Envoy on Youth and the youngest diplomat at the African Union Commission Chairperson’s Cabinet (2018 – 2021). She received the Gates Campaign Award and was named in Forbes Africa’s 50 Most Powerful Women, New African Magazine List of 100 Most Influential Africans, and Top 20 List of Apolitical 100 The World’s Most Influential Young People in Government. Her story and talks have been critically acclaimed by the Guardian, Huffpost, Jeune Afrique, France24, Deutsche Welle and more.
As global temperatures continue to rise the question of accountability also takes on greater importance. This film follows four people on their journey to challenge the power of BIG OIL in court. They face their fears, find their voice, and risk their freedom as defenders of the future.
with Nadja Smith (Director Big Oil vs The Law), Mette Reitzel (Producer Big Oil vs The Law) & Lilli Fuhr (Head of International Environmental Policy Division, Heinrich Böll Foundation)
Using successful human rights movements as examples, we will show how the fight against inequality and human rights violations can work, what we can learn from it and how we might have to change our strategies.
i.a. with Dylan Mathews (Chief Executive Officer, Peace Direct), Antonia Musunga (Feminist), Alejandra Ancheita (Founder & Director of ProDESC) and Kathrin Strobel (Program Director Inequalities, Robert Bosch Foundation)
What realistic strategies do we need to pursue in order to slow or even stop climate change, and how can we convey them to a general audience? Is it enough to show the aftermath of fires and how they affect humans and wildlife, or shocking images of floods and destroyed livelihoods? Or do we also need to show people more positive models like the green wall in the desert to demonstrate that it is possible to put a halt to climate change if we all work together?
i.a. with Andrew Gilmour (Executive Director, Berghof Foundation), Franziska Heinisch (Activist), Thimali Kodikara (Co-Host Mothers of Invention), Lilli Fuhr (Head of International Environmental Policy Division, Heinrich Böll Foundation) & Margje de Koning (Director Movies that Matters)
7:00 am: IdeationLab on Climate Change – VANUATU part I
7:00 pm: IdeationLab on Climate Change – VANUATU - part II
You can register either for one or both parts of the event.
As Global warming continuously increases the intensity of tropical cyclones, the livelihood of the South Pacific Islands’ inhabitants is in grave danger. Students from the region (PISFCC) are prompting the government of the Island State of Vanuatu to petition the UN for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice. The aim is to enable appeals based on the violations of Human Rights for the compensation for activities destabilizing the ecological equilibrium. The Interactive Media Foundation gGmbH and the HRFFB invite creatives from different sectors together with experts from relevant disciplines into an ideation-lab to define interventions and campaigns in support of the student movement and "the VANUATU petition”.
3:30 pm: What Makes Consent Meaningful?
Documentary filmmakers and journalists operate on the principle of “informed consent”, but what does that really mean when the internet is everywhere and forever and when one person may not speak the same language nor have the same values as another?
We typically go into this work with the goal of shining a light into what might be the dark, but what if we do harm in the process?
This workshop will be a frank and honest opportunity to ask these hard questions and collaborate on strategies to address our professional and personal dilemmas around the sharing of other people’s lives.
Participants: You are invited to join us with a hypothetical (or real) scenario of your own that presents challenges around consent.
Presented with MIRA/Dart Center Europe/www.coveringcrsv.org
End the day together with the other conference participants at a relaxed networking event in the beautiful Atelier Gardens at BUFA.

a film by Ali El Arabi
Fawzi and Mahmoud have a big dream: they want to become football stars and play with their idols in stadiums all over the world! As Syrian refugees, they live in the Zaatari camp in Jordan. In an environment marked by hopelessness, football seems to be the only way to a better future. Their chances are good, as a delegation from Qatar regularly comes to the camp to scout new talent. But the path to the academy for young talent is only open to a few. For the others, the return to the reality of Zaatari awaits, coupled with worries about an uncertain future.
Followed by a Q&A with director Ali El Arabi.
23 September: Storytelling and Activism
Storytelling is a powerful tool that activists can use to draw attention to grievances and encourage dialogue. We want to look at successful and impactful storytelling projects, discuss the synergies between activists, artists and media-makers, and develop joint strategies for impactful storytelling to foster human rights.
In cooperation with Ladima Foundation and a Live-Hub from Nigeria.
In this conversation, experienced and successful campaigner Uma Mishra shares insights on how she plans and sets up a campaign and what makes a campaign sustainably successful.
How can we harness storytelling to support activists in their struggles against injustice and human rights violations? We all know that storytelling is a powerful tool for documenting voices, memories and histories, but how can it become a catalyst for activism and social change? What are the techniques and case studies that we can learn from? By learning, creating and sharing powerful stories, we can challenge oppressive systems and invite people to imagine a better future.
i.a. with Markus Beeko (Secretary General Amnesty International Germany), Martina Dase (Communication Director, Save the Children), Adesua Okosun (Director), Thimali Kodikara (Co-Host Mothers of Invention), Uma Mishra (Campaigner), and Katja Riemann (Director and Actress)
Use the time to network over a relaxed lunch.

Lina Al-Hathloul, is the younger sister of Loujain Al-Hathloul, one of the drivers of change in the Saudi women's rights movement who was imprisoned for over three years. Since her older sister was detained in May 2018, alongside more than a dozen other women human rights defenders, Lina has become one of the few family members able and willing to speak out on behalf of her sister. A lawyer by training, Lina is based in Brussels and therefore is more able to speak and travel freely--many relatives of Saudi political prisoners are subject to travel bans themselves and/or are cowed by fear of retaliation by the present Saudi government. She has become a tireless advocate for her sister Loujain and has spoken to numerous media outlets, at international events and gatherings, and to representatives of the U.S. government and the United Nations.
The Sharp Edge of Peace follows the only women on the Afghan government's negotiating team as they navigate the difficult path to peace and negotiate a common political structure with the Taliban. The film, currently in production, takes us on a journey with four extraordinary leaders - Fatima Gailani, Fawzia Koofi, Habiba Sarabi and Sharifa Zurmati - as they and the rest of the Afghan government team sit down with the Taliban. As they travel from Kabul and London to Doha and beyond, we see the immense cost of public work and the private effort required to represent an entire country. And what will happen now - with the Taliban regaining power over the country?
with Roya Sadat (Director The Sharp Edge of Peace) & Leslie Thomas (Producer The Sharp Edge of Peace)
Why and how we need to change the narrative of peace negotiations to give women a critical role in sustainable peace.
i.a. with Johanna Poutanen (Head of Women in Peacemaking), Martti Ahtisaari (Peace Foundation), Eck Volkmann (Treasurer and Secretary, Executive Committee Inclusive Peace), Passy Mubalama (Founder and Executive Director AIDPROFEN), Ivie Okujaye Egboh (Filmmaker, Artist and Activist) & Margje de Koning (Director Movies that Matters)
This discussion will be hosted by Berghof Foundation.
Throughout the ages, artists have challenged oppressive regimes – just think about Pablo Picasso and ‘Guernica’, the way that the grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo have utilised storytelling and art, or the outstanding role played by artists during the Arab Spring. We want to take a deeper look at the power of art and discuss how artists can support activist movements or become activists themselves. We want to showcase art as a powerful tool for exposing injustice and inequality, and encouraging sustainable shifts in people’s thinking.
i.a. with Wolfgang Kaleck (General Secretary European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights), Murad Subay (Artist & Activist), Sander van Bussel (Founder Human Rights Tattoo), Christian Mäntele (Head of Global Goals Engagement Global); Bikiya Graham Douglas (Actress and Artist)
& Anna Ramskogler-Witt (Director Human Rights Film Festival Berlin)
End the day together with the other conference participants at a relaxed networking event in the beautiful Atelier Gardens at BUFA.

a film by Katja Riemann
The ReFOCUS Media Lab is a film school in Europe's best-known refugee camp: Moria on Lesbos. Here, young refugees have been learning to express their view of the world in pictures since 2018. Direct and unadulterated photos and films are created from a very personal perspective. In the meantime, the young, highly motivated film students work with international TV stations such as Al Jazeera, CNN and the BBC. In the Media Lab, they find new meaning in life, and in film, a perspective for the future. The committed, surprising documentary debut of actress Katja Riemann shows what film is capable of.
Followed by an Q&A with director Katja Riemann
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