Choosing Zero Hunger – Defending the Right to Food in the Climate Crisis

Thursday, 10th October 2024 | 4.15 p.m. | GER | Palais KulturBrauerei

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Right to Food guidelines of the Committee on World Food Security, and the 10-year existence of Action Against Hunger in Germany, we look back: What progress has since been made in fighting hunger worldwide? And we direct our discussion ahead: How can we achieve a future in which the right to food is fulfilled for all – despite new threats created by the climate crisis?

All Talks are free, but you need to registrate: 




Screening afterwards:

After a short break the film Our Land, Our Freedom will be shown at Kino in der KulturBrauerei. Extra tickets must be purchased for this film!

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Dr. Martin Frick

Dr. Martin Frick

Director of the World Food Programme in Germany

Dr. Martin Frick

Dr. Martin Frick is the Director of the World Food Programme Office for Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein since November 2021. Previously, he worked as the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the Food Systems Summit 2021 and as Executive Director of the UNFCCC Secretariat, which oversees the implementation of the Paris Agreement. He also helped to develop the climate justice narrative as Climate Director of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and later as Program Director of the Kofi Annan Foundation. As German Ambassador to the United Nations in Bonn, Frick contributed to the founding of the UN's Sustainability Hub. Frick holds a PhD in law.

Renate Künast

Renate Künast

Member of the German Bundestag

Renate Künast

Renate Künast served as chairwoman of her party Bündnis 90/Die Grünen from 2000 to 2001 and as Federal Minister of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture from 2001 to 2005.  Between 2005 and 2013, she led the Green party group in the German parliament and chaired the parliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection from 2014 until 20217. She is currently the spokesperson on agriculture and food for the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group and a member of the Committee on Food and Agriculture. 

Audrey MacLean

Audrey MacLean

Youth delegate for sustainable development

Audrey MacLean

As a youth delegate for sustainable development, Audrey stands up for climate and environmental protection as well as the promotion of the circular economy, which she considers central to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. She is particularly concerned about reducing social and environmental injustice through a fairer distribution of resources and opportunities. She also considers it important to protect the rights of future generations and involve young people in decision-making processes.

Christiane Grefe

Christiane Grefe


Christiane Grefe

Christiane Grefe, born 1957, studied political science and attended the German School of Journalism (Deutsche Journalistenschule) in Munich. She has written for publications such as Natur, GEO, Wochenpost, Süddeutsche Zeitung and several radio outlets. From 1999, she worked as an editor and reporter in the ZEIT Berlin office, focusing on ecology, globalization and land use.
Since 2023, Grefe has been working as a freelance writer and facilitator. She has written numerous, partly award-winning non-fiction books. Her most recent book, with Tanja Busse, is "DER GRUND - Die neuen Konflikte um unsere Böden und wie sie gelöst werden können" (published by Antje Kunstmann). 

About the header image: Martha Nyakueka Dak cultivates her rice field in Paguir, South Sudan, where repeated flooding has destroyed crops. Action Against Hunger has promoted rice cultivation as a climate adaptation strategy, because while millet and maize are prone to drowning, rice thrives under such conditions.

12. SEPTEMBER 2024