Aktion gegen den Hunger (Action Against Hunger) organizes the fifth edition of its festival in partnership with Greenpeace and Save the Children
Berlin, 14 June 2022. The Human Rights Film Festival Berlin will be returning to Berlin’s cinema screens from 13 to 23 October with an outstanding programme. With this year’s theme ‘Beyond Red Lines’, the HRFFB will be taking a stand for human rights, children's rights, climate protection and peace in times of war. The film programme will be shown in eight Berlin cinemas. A selection of films will also be streamed nationwide. The festival hub will be located at Berlin’s Villa Elisabeth.
‘This year, once again, we are bringing impressive documentaries to Berlin from all over the world. Many of the directors will be there in person for discussions with the audience after screenings,’ says Anna Ramskogler-Witt, Director of the HRFFB. As in previous years, the festival will be accompanied by the Human Rights Forum, a comprehensive supporting programme consisting of readings, talks, a virtual reality exhibition and a multi-day conference.
The theme of this year’s festival is ‘Beyond Red Lines’: ‘After the Taliban took power, all kinds of red lines were crossed in Afghanistan. The war in Ukraine gave the title a whole new dimension. How do we as an international community react when red lines are crossed? What consequences does crossing red lines have for our society? These are the questions that we would like to discuss with festival attendees and experts,’ says Ramskogler-Witt.
The fifth edition of the HRFFB is being organized by the humanitarian aid and development organization Aktion gegen den Hunger (Action Against Hunger) in cooperation with Greenpeace and Save the Children: ‘This year we have two strong partners at our side who, with their film selections, are focusing on the great challenges of our time,’ says Jan Sebastian Friedrich-Rust, festival founder and Managing Director of Aktion gegen den Hunger (Action Against Hunger).
‘Documentaries do have the power to move people and to provide impetus for a better world. Our festival makes it clear that, in times of armed conflict, hunger and climate crisis, it is more important than ever to take decisive action for justice, peace, children’s rights and resource protection,’ says Friedrich-Rust.
Early bird festival passes and conference tickets can now be purchased online. A preview of the programme is online now. The full festival and conference programmes will be published in August 2022. hrffb.de
About the Human Rights Film Festival Berlin
The Human Rights Film Festival Berlin (HRFFB) was launched by the humanitarian aid and development organisation Action Against Hunger and has been held each year since 2018. The festival focuses on stories from all over the world that report on the current state of human rights in a powerful way. The 2022 HRFFB is being organised by Action Against Hunger in partnership with Greenpeace and Save the Children. Each organisation selects a theme and curates a selection of films, which focus on humanitarian aid and the fight against hunger, as well as peace, resource and environmental conflicts, children’s rights, refugees and migration.
Partner Locations
Villa Elisabeth, ACUD Kino, Atelier Gardens in der BUFA, Colosseum, Hackesche Höfe Kinos, Kant Kino, Zeiss-Großplanetarium, Sputnik Kino am Südstern und Yorck Kino Passage
Adeline Neary Hay
German Premiere I France I 2021 I 70 min I Khmer, Thai, French
“Hill of Death” – that's what the refugee camp Khao-I-Dang bordering Cambodia and Thailand was called. Hundreds of thousands were once stranded there as they fled certain death at the hands of the Khmer Rouge. Among them: a mother with her daughter in her arms. Still a baby at the time, Neary Adeline Hay embarks 40 years later on a search for traces of her own escape: for the stories her mother never told. How her mother drugged her as a baby to keep her from crying as she fled through the jungle. How they escaped captivity and death. Over and over, her mother was faced with the decision, “Leave your daughter behind to survive.” Again and again, her mother answered, “Never without my daughter.”
Gorki Glaser-Müller
German Premiere I Sweden, Denmark, Qatar I 2021 I 97 min I Swedish, English, Spanish
Patricio's life is a nightmare come true. His daughter became radicalized and joined IS fighters in Syria with her husband. Both of them were killed there in 2019. Their children are interned in a detention camp as "children of the enemy." The conditions are life-threatening. Four to five children die every day in the camp. The governments remain inactive, leaving the children to their fate. Patricio only knows one goal: to bring his seven underaged grandchildren back to Sweden. On his own initiative, he decides to travel to Erbil in northern Iraq.