"High Confidence – Films & Human Rights in Crisis" is a Human Rights Film Festival Berlin podcast on current film and human rights affairs worldwide. All information on the topic and streaming options of the second episode can be found here.
We also have an overview of all podcast episodes and streaming options on our podcast news page. Have fun listening!

Topic: Situation in Colombia
Jaap van't Kruis: director, lives in Bogota
Marialejandra Moreno: Colombian human rights expert
[2] ... in conversation with Jaap van't Kruis & Marialejandra Moreno
In our second episode we speak with Dutch director Jaap van’t Kruis who is living in Bogota and Marialejandra Moreno Mantilla, a Colombian human rights expert and lawyer based in Nürnberg.
We discuss the current situation in Colombia and in particular the impacts of corona on human rights. We learn about the dangerous situation of human rights defenders and social leaders; what impact corona has on the reconciliation process; and why the lockdown is in particular depriving marginalized groups of their livelihood.
At the Human Rights Film Festival Berlin 2019 we showed Jaap van’t Kruis very insightful documentary "Unpaved Road to Peace" - a portrait of the fragile reconciliation in Colombia.