‘That time of the month’ or ‘a visit from Aunt Flo’ – there are plenty of expressions that dance around what they are actually about: menstruation. Although menstruation affects about 50 per cent of the world's population, tasteless humour and sexist attitudes have persisted for decades. Activists are campaigning for tampons and pads to be reclassified as medical necessities, but science has long lacked an objective approach. That’s why doctors, athletes and celebrities like Gloria Steinem and Naomi Watts are calling for feminist research – free of paternalistic taboos. And now, scientists are discovering unexpected potential in menstrual blood.

Rashmi Adhikari
Rashmi Adhikari
I am Rashmi Adhikari from Kathmadu, Nepal. I have been part of the adventure of creating Nepal programs for Playing For Change Foundation since the very beginning in 2003. I co-founded Tintale Mothers Society in 2009. As a co-founder, I have been closely working as a Women’s Rights Advocate. Our workshops focuses on social issues like gender violence, menstrual hygiene, human trafficking and digital awareness, working to create new normals and new opportunities for women and girls in rural eastern Nepal. In 2022 I officially joined Playing For Change Foundation as the Nepali Programs Coordinator. I create and coordinate additional social action initiatives and represent these initiatives
Gefolgt von Filmgespräch mit / Followed by film talk with Josefine Marwehe & Rashmi Adhikari
Gefolgt von Filmgespräch mit / Followed by film talk with Josefine Marwehe & Rashmi Adhikari

Rashmi Adhikari
Rashmi Adhikari
I am Rashmi Adhikari from Kathmadu, Nepal. I have been part of the adventure of creating Nepal programs for Playing For Change Foundation since the very beginning in 2003. I co-founded Tintale Mothers Society in 2009. As a co-founder, I have been closely working as a Women’s Rights Advocate. Our workshops focuses on social issues like gender violence, menstrual hygiene, human trafficking and digital awareness, working to create new normals and new opportunities for women and girls in rural eastern Nepal. In 2022 I officially joined Playing For Change Foundation as the Nepali Programs Coordinator. I create and coordinate additional social action initiatives and represent these initiatives