"High Confidence – Films & Human Rights in Crisis" is a Human Rights Film Festival Berlin (and Aktion gegen den Hunger) podcast on current film and human rights affairs. Presented by our festival director Anna Ramskogler-Witt.
We are very excited to introduce you to our newest project: “High Confidence – Films and Human Rights in Crisis”, our first podcast series which gives you insights into the status quo of human rights and filmmaking worldwide. We will host talks with outstanding filmmakers, experts and activists about their personal experience and the situation their countries. Enjoy listening!
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[8] ... in conversation with Sonia Nandzik-Herman & Douglas Herman about the power of participative storytelling
Sonia and Douglas are the founders of ReFOCUS Media Labs. The aim of the organisation is to build a global network of media to enable worldwide reporting. On Lesvos, they professionally train asylum seekers in photography, audio/video production and journalism. From 16 to 25 September 2021, they will exhibit their multimedia project "Trapped in the Playground".
Our guests:
Douglas Herman, Sonia Nandzik, Founder* of ReFOCUS Media Labs
[6] ...in conversation with Murad Subay about the power of art
Since the outbreak of the war, Murad Subay has been painting on walls and ruins across Yemen. With his art, he shows the devastating consequences of war, poverty, and disease, and denounces the war crimes of all parties involved – including those in the West, whose arms exports are contributing to Yemeni suffering. Today he lives and works in exile. Between 16 - 25 September 2021, he exhibits his series "Faces of War Selfie"
Our Guest:
Murad Subay: Yemeni Artist

All information on topic & streaming possibilities of the sixth episode
[6] ...in conversation with Margje de Koning about human rights film festivals
Film festivals and film productions in the times of Corona: Who is particularly affected? What challenges does this unusual situation bring - and what opportunities does it offer?
And how can documentaries contribute to a better understanding of human rights issues?
Unser Gast:
Margje de Koning: Artistic Festival Director of "Movies that Matter" in The Haag

All information on topic & streaming possibilities of the fifth episode
[5] ... in conversation with Hans Peter Stauber on the role of TV documentaries
Documentaries on television: What is the difference compared to the production of cinema documentaries? What are the challenges of nature documentaries?
Our guest:
Hans Peter Stauber: TV journalist & producer. Since 2011 head of the show "Bergwelten" at ServusTV
Human rights through the camera of filmmakers: Register now for our newsletter to learn more about events, films and the people behind the camera.

All information on topic & streaming possibilities of the fourth episode
[4] ... in conversation with Belina Raffy & Pablo Suarez
How do you convey complex and difficult topics in a sustainable way? On the advantages of humorous and entertaining storytelling using the example of the climate crisis.
Our guests:
Belina Raffy: founder of Sustainable Stand Up
Pablo Suarez: Associate Director of Research & Innovation at Red Cross Red Crescent - Climate Center

All information on topic & streaming opportunities of the third episode
[3] ... in conversation with Horeb Bulambo & Simone Ramones
About the current situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo: what the lock-down means for daily life in the already crisis-ridden region.
Our guests:
Horeb Bulambo: Film producer, director & journalist. At the HRFFB 2019 as line producer of "This is Congo"
Simone Ramones: Action Against Hunger Congo

All information on topic & streaming opportunities of the second episode
[2] ... in conversation with Jaap van't Kruis & Marialejandra Moreno
How is the current situation in Colombia? Why the lock-down endangers marginalized groups and human rights defenders in particular.
Our guests:
Jaap van't Kruis: director, lives in Bogota. At the HRFFB 2019 as director of "Unpaved Road to Peace"
Marialejandra Moreno: Colombian human rights expert

All information on topic & streaming opportunities of the first episode
[1] ... in conversation with Rehad Desai
South Africa in times of Corona: how journalism and activism can help to ensure that the measures taken against the virus are compatible with the principles of social justice and democracy.
Our guest:
Rehad Desai: investigative journalist, award winning filmmaker and civil rights activist. At the HRFFB 2019 as the director of "Everything Must Fall"
The Human Rights Film Festival Berlin is an initative by Aktion gegen den Hunger and shows storeis of couraguous individuals and communities on both sides of the lens, bears witness to human rights violations nd creates a forum to gain new perspectives on our world.
This podcast was produced by 48 hearts.