"High Confidence – Films & Human Rights in Crisis" is a Human Rights Film Festival Berlin podcast on current film and human rights affairs worldwide. All information on the topic and streaming options of the fifth episode can be found here.
We also have an overview of all podcast episodes and streaming options on our podcast news page. Have fun listening!

[5] ... in conversation with Hans Peter Stauber on the role of TV documentaries
Topic: Nature documentaries. TV & cinema productions in comparison.
Hans Peter Stauber: TV journalist & producer. Since 2011 head of the show "Bergwelten" at ServusTV
[5] ... in conversation with Hans Peter Stauber on the role of TV documentaries
We talk with producer Hans Peter Stauber about which effect documentaries about nature can have and what special challenges the producing team faces while shooting.
We also ask: what distinguishes television and cinema documentaries? What different demands do they try to meet?
To what extent does the coronavirus also influence current TV productions?