
Bady Minck | Austria | Luxemburg | 2017 | English
Bady Minck | Austria | Luxemburg | 2017 | | English

MAPPAMUNDI is about the bigger picture, the biggest picture there is. The film deals with the image of the world that we have repeatedly re-drawn throughout the years. In MAPPAMUNDI, global map documentation takes the form of a science-fiction animation: a billion years fly by in 45 rapid-fire minutes. Through the eyes of cosmic cartographers, the viewer takes a voyage through 950 million years of Earth history and 15,000 years of cartography. This accelerated journey visualizes the change in our world – a change unnoticeable in a single lifetime.

Director:  Bady Minck
22.09. | 13:00 |

anschließendes Filmgespräch
Bady Minck (Regisseurin)
moderiert von Anna Ramskogler-Witt (HRFFB)
anschließender Sektempfang

Director:  Bady Minck