The interdisciplinary conference "10 years to reach the Sustainable Development Goals" will focus on the following questions: What progress has been made in the first five years since the adoption of Agenda 2030? What challenges remain?
Together with representatives from politics and economy, civil society, media and film, these questions will be discussed in order to develop innovative approaches to achieve the SDGs and to identify options for action.
The conference will focus on three closely linked sustainability goals: SDG 2 - No Hunger, SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation and SDG 13 - Climate Protection Measures. The COVID-19 pandemic, gender equality, conflicts and displacement as well as localisation approaches (western/international support) will always be considered as cross-cutting issues. The linked topics show the interconnectedness of all 17 SDGs and emphasises the necessity to deal with their implementation until 2030 in an interdisciplinary way.
Speakers at the SDG Conference 2020:

Adan Yusuf Mahdi - Save the Children Somalia, Nutrition Technical Specialist
Adan Yusuf Mahdi (MSC MPH Public Health) has been working with Save the Children for 7 years. Prior to Save the Children, he has spent over 10 years working with national and international non-profits in the field of Health and Nutrition in conflict and complex emergency regions of Somalia. He is an active member of various working groups in Nutrition.

Dr. Alexandre Skander Galand - Centre for Fundamental Rights at Hertie School, Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr. Alexandre Skander Galand is an associate editor of the Oxford Reports on International Human Rights Law / UN Treaty Bodies and worked for the UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute as part of the War Crimes Justice Project. He specialised in international criminal law, international human rights and humanitarian law and holds a PhD in International Law from the European University Institute (EUI).

Dr. Andrea Steinke - Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA), Research Fellow

Andrew Gilmour - Berghof Foundation, Executive Director
Andrew Gilmour served 30 years at the UN, most recently as Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights and as Political Director in the Office of the Secretary-General in New York. He previously held senior UN positions in numerous conflict zones. With masters degrees from Oxford University and the London School of Economics, he was later an Adjunct Fellow of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C.

Anna Schmauder - Clingendael, Jr. Researcher Conflict Research Unit
Anna Wasiak is the Head of Advocacy and Policy at Save the Children Germany. Her work over the last years focused mainly on global health advocacy. Before joining Save the Children Anna Wasiak worked in crises management and civil protection in Brussels and Berlin. Ms. Wasiak studied Political Science and Public Administration in Germany, Israel and the UK.

Dr. Anne Ellersiek – Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Senior Research Associate
Dr. Anne Ellersiek has been responsible for the Stakeholder Management of the Science Platform Sustainability 2030 at the IASS since January 2018. Previously, she was a Research Fellow at the Science and Policy Foundation (SWP) and at the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). Ellersiek studied organizational psychology at the University of Leipzig and holds a doctorate in organizational sciences from the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands.

Belina Raffy - Founder "Sustainable Stand Up"
Belina Raffy helps i.a. climate scientists, social entrepreneurs, humanitarian workers to work together more joyfully and effectively and to communicate important climate and social issues with a very compassionate form of comedy. Her insights on the universal and loving nature of improvisation principles are published in her eBook “Using improv to save the world (and me)”. Belina is a world citizen who giggles a lot because she loves what she does.

Benoit Collin - European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), Program Manager - Humanitarian Aid Desk - Niger, Focal Point Sahel
Benoit Collin has 20 years of experience in humanitarian assistance in a variety of contexts in Africa, Asia and Latin America. He is an engineer in environmental sciences. He is working in Brussels since 2018, following 3 years as Head of DG ECHO Dakar Regional Office. Benoit is experienced in humanitarian assistance policies and projects management, management of donor countries as well as regional funding allocations.

Bernhard Kowatsch - Head of Innovation Accelerator, UN World Food Programme (WFP)
Bernhard Kowatsch is the Head of the Innovation Accelerator at the WFP which he started in 2015. The Accelerator works with disruptive startups and innovations to end global hunger. In 2019, global innovations supported by the Accelerator positively impacted the lives of 1.4 million people. Bernhard co-founded the award-winning ShareTheMeal fundraising app and built-up WFP’s Business Innovation team. He was previously a Project Leader at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), and holds three Masters degrees from HEC Paris and Vienna University of Business.

Brooke Lauten - Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Senior Public Advisor Protection
Brooke Lauten leads NRC’s engagement on protection and forced displacement-related policy issues at the global level, including the work on the Global Compacts. Brooke has more than 15 years of experience in the humanitarian sector and holds Masters Degrees in International Affairs and Public Health from Columbia University.

Camila Bustos - Yale Law School, Juris Doctor Candidate

Chris Melzer - UNHCR Berlin, German Spokesman
Chris Melzer, born in Schwerin, Germany, in 1972, worked as a journalist for 27 years, most recently as dpa bureau chief for the US and Canada in New York. Since 2017, he has been the German spokesman for UNHCR in Berlin, but has also repeatedly been on assignment internationally, most recently in Bangladesh.

Christian Wiebe - Viva con Agua, Head of Water Projects & Founding Member of Viva con Agua

Cornelia Richter – Aktion gegen den Hunger e.V., Chairperson
Cornelia Richter was Vice-President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations. Prior to this, she was a long-standing member of the board of the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ). Cornelia Richter has a degree in economics and social sciences, strategy and management and organisational development.

David Starke - SOS Mediterranee Germany, Managing Director

Dirk Winkler - GIZ, Water Portfolio – Jordan, Team Leader
Dirk Winkler is the Team Leader of the GIZ-projects Strengthening Capacities for Wastewater Management (CWWM), Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Jordanians and Syrian Refugees in the Water Sector (VTW) and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, with 14 years of international experience in the Middle East and northern Africa. Dirk Winkler is a Mechanical Engineer, Education Scientist with an MBA degree in Business Administration with specialization in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Elena Keil - Greenpeace Deutschland, member of the youth platform ‘youpaN’
Elena Keil is currently studying Landscape Management and Nature Conservation at the Faculty of Eberswalde, Germany. Prior to her studies, she completed a voluntary service with Greenpeace where she was focusing on the implementation of the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) programme of the UN. Since 2018, she is a member of youpaN, a German youth platform participating in the implementation of the National Action Plan on ESD. Keil is passionate about climate protection as well as social and environmental sustainability.

Eric Rheinstein – Action Against Hunger, Head of WASH, South Sudan
Eric Rheinstein has a BS Chem. Eng. and a MS Environmental Science and Engineering (ESE). He has worked for several INGOs in the Balkans, Asia and Africa. He worked 7 yrs. for a US engineering firm, and for ACF for 13 yrs. His specialties are WaSH and DRM. He was in Liberia for the Ebola epidemic and is now in South Sudan.

Fawad Durrani - Greenpeace, Expert -Climate Change, Migration and Displacement

Florian Laudi – German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO), Head of Division OR 01 International Order Principles, United Nations: Security Council, Peace Missions, General Assembly
Florian Laudi heads the divison International Order Principles, United Nations: Security Council, Peace Missions, General Assembly at the GFFO. He studied law and began his career at the GFFO in 2002. His professional career has taken him to the German Embassy in Kabul, the Permanent Mission of the United Nations in New York and the Permanent Representation of the European Union. Most recently, he was Special Representative of the Federal Foreign Office for Ukraine.

Gertrud Falk - FIAN Germany, Consultant for Human Rights

Haakon Spriewald - Handicap International e.V. / Humanity & Inclusion, Project Coordinator

Hannah Neumeyer - WASH United, Head of Human Rights

Dr. Heike Kuhn - Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Head of Division 412 “Human Rights; gender equality; inclusion of persons with disabilities”
Dr. Heike Kuhn has a background of 30 years in European and multilateral development cooperation including human rights, gender, HR, financing, M&E, 2030 Agenda, working with EU, FAO, WFP, IFAD and UN agencies. She is a fully qualified lawyer, having studied in Freiburg, Moscow, Los Angeles and Genoa.

Horeb Bulambo Shindano – Journalist, Democratic Republic of Congo
Horeb Bulambo Shindano is a filmmaker and human rights activist from the Democratic Republic of Congo. He was the Field Producer for the feature documentary "This is Congo," which debuted at the 2017 Venice Film Festival. He hosted the popular television show Monusco Realities for the UN in the DRC. Horeb`s professional background includes 9 years in aid working, in the area of communications (i.a. Care Australia and World Vision International).

Dr Ingolf Dietrich - Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Head of Directorate "Agenda 2030; Democracy; Human Rights; Equality; Education" and "Representative for Sustainable Development Goals".
Dr Ingolf Dietrich has been the Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the BMZ, since 2014. He is responsible for the BMZ's position in the national and international processes on the 2030 Agenda. As the BMZ's coordinator for sustainable development, he coordinates work at the BMZ on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development across directorates-general. Dr Dietrich's set of responsibilities also includes the areas of respect for human rights, gender equality, and inclusion of persons with disabilities, so that a life of dignity for all – and thus, sustainable development – can become reality.

Jana Sepehr - Global Citizen, Content Lead & Communications Manager
Jana Sepehr studied political science, development studies and sociology in Kiel, San Diego and Maastricht. Afterwards she worked for several years as a freelance journalist, among others for Greenpeace Magazine, Der Spiegel, ZDF and Die Zeit. In 2017 she joined the NGO Global Citizen and heads the editorial work in Germany as Content Lead & Communications Manager. After she first visited Accra in 2013 to research her master's thesis around "Brain Drain Migration" of doctors, she traveled to Ghana several times to report on e-waste, lead recycling and health care topics.

Janet Cherono - Norwegian Refugee Council Nigeria, Wash Core Competency Specialist

Jennifer Ankrom Khan – Action Against Hunger Pakistan, Country Director

Dr. Joseph Seriki - Save the Children Somalia, Senior Health Technical Specialist
Dr. Joseph Seriki has over 10 years of experience in designing and delivering health/nutrition development and humanitarian programmes. He is currently working as Senior Health Technical Specialist with Save the Children Somalia, where he focuses on ensuring Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by providing support to health ministries, local governments and civil society organizations around complex initiatives for equity and rights-based programming. Dr. Seriki holds an MD degree with Master’s in Global Health and another Master’s degree in Health Economics.

Juan Auz - Centre for Fundamental Rights, Hertie School, PhD Researcher
Juliana Turjman is Component Manager for Participative and Community Engagement at GIZ in Jordan. She has long working experience on community health, poverty and women rights as well as water resource management. Ms Turjman works with approaches of empowerment and active participation within host communities in particular.

Khaled Sulaiman - Journalist & Trainer, Climate Reporting Fellow Free Press Unlimited (FPU) & Stanley Foundation
Khaled Sulaiman is a Journalist and trainer, writing for independent media platforms in Arabic and Kurdish. He recently published a book about drought and climate change in Iraq. He is a Free Press Unlimited associated trainer, who also publishes on climate related topics on independent online Daraj Media, based in Lebanon.

Dr. Kira Vinke - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Project Lead EPICC

Dr. Koko Warner - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - Manager, Impacts, Vulnerabilities and Risks Subdivision
Dr. Koko Warner leads on adaptation knowledge & vulnerability at UN Climate. She is IPCC lead author on climate impacts. She founded the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative & directed research on climate migration at UN University. Dr. Warner ranks in top 20 women in the climate change debate.

Konstantin Engelbrecht - German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Senior Policy Officer for Climate Policy
Konstantin Engelbrecht (M.A. Cultural Anthropology) is Senior Policy Officer for Climate Policy at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). He is responsible for public relations on climate and for the topic of climate and migration. Prior to that, he conducted research on conflicts in nature reserves at the Centre for Rural Development (SLE).

Lisa Witter - Apolitical Co-Founder and Executive Chair

Louise van Schaik - Clingendael Institut, Head of Unit EU & Global Affairs
Louise van Schaik coordinates Clingendael research in the field of climate change and sustainable development as well and analysed the EU’s performance in multilateral bodies, including in the fields of climate change, health and food standards. She holds a Master's degree in Public Administration from Leiden University and a PhD in Political Science from the KU Leuven.

Lucile Grosjean - Action Against Hunger France, Deputy Director of Advocacy
Lucile Grosjean is the Advocacy Deputy Director for Action Against Hunger- France. Holder of a master's degree in political science, she experienced multiple international assignments, especially as part of the ACF emergency team (Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Mali, CAR, Chad, etc.) she specialized in issues related to safeguarding humanitarian space and protection of civilians.

Manfred Profazi - International Organization for Migration (IOM) Germany, Chief of Mission (ad interim)

Manuel Sánchez-Montero - Action Against Hunger Spain, Director of Advocacy
After contributing to the foundation of Action Against Hunger Spain, Manuel Sánchez-Montero worked as AAH Director of Operations in Madrid and then joined FRIDE (European think tank in Madrid and Brussels) and the Humanitarian Action Office of the Spanish Agency for International development Cooperation (AECID). He is a specialist on aid and sustainability policies and programmes, risk management and multi-stakeholder alliances.

Dr. Markus Rudolf - Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Senior Researcher

Martin Hoppe - German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Head of Division Food and Nutrition Security, Global Food Policy, Fisheries
Martin Hoppe has studied law and started working for BMZ in 2002. He held various positions, as policy advisor on environmental protection in China, on principles and procedures, as chief speech writer and Head of Division for Peace and Security, Disaster Risk Management. Postings abroad were to the German Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York and Head of Economic Cooperation and Development at the German Embassy in Hanoi. Currently he is the Head of Division Food and Nutrition Security, Global Food Policy, Fisheries.

Matthias Amling - German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO), Desk Officer
Matthias Amling works as desk officer at the Division for Humanitarian Assistance - Policy, International Organisations and Multilateral Coordination of the GFFO. He is responsible for the portfolio around anticipatory humanitarian action and disaster risk reduction. Before, Matthias worked for the German INGO Welthungerhilfe both in the field and at HQ as coordinator crisis monitoring and emergency response where his areas of work included risk analysis and monitoring, the development of Forecast-based Financing pilots, as well as collaboration with partners like the German Red Cross and the START Network.

Maxwell Mumba - Global Youth Leader for Nutrition
Maxwell Mumba is a Zambian youth advocate and psychosocial counsellor for children and youth living with HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis. Maxwell is also passionate advocate about adolescent Nutrition and advocates for improved nutrition and policies in Zambia. Maxwell is a Real Change Fellow sponsored by RESULTS and ACTION advocating on health issues in Zambia. Maxwell is one of the Nutrition champions and a currently he is working with CSO SUN as youth programme assistance.

Dr. Maylin Meincke - German Climate and Health Alliance (KLUG), Board member
Dr. Maylin Meincke is a board member of KLUG, a network of individuals, organisations and associations in the health sector dedicated to raise awareness on the impacts of climate change on human health. Fellow of the postgraduate training programme for applied epidemiology at the health office of Baden-Württemberg, she is currently working as a reseach associate at the Robert Koch-Institute (RKI). Meincke holds a MSc in International Public Health and has been active in the field of global health policy for more than ten years, inter alia for the WHO, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) and the GIZ.

Mwandwe Chileshe - Global Citizen, Food Security and Agriculture Manager
Mwandwe Chileshe is passionate about issues relating to poverty reduction and nutrition and has worked on Food Security, Nutrition and Agriculture in various roles, including supporting the International Coalition for Advocates on Nutrition through her work at 1,000 Days. She also led the Zambia Civil Society Scaling up Nutrition Alliance and was significant in the start-up of Zambia’s first Parliamentary Caucus on Food and Nutrition.

Naima Chowdhury - Action against Hunger Canada, Associate Director of intl. Gender Unit
Naima Chowdhury leads the International Gender Unit at ACF, an expert in the area of Gender Equality, Leadership and in addressing gender-based violence. Her intensive work in empowerment, climate change, food security, market development and poverty eradication influenced changes in the life of many women and the marginalized communities.

Nicole Riffert - Tony's Chocolonely, Marketing Manager DACH
Nicole Riffert, or Fräulein Schoko - as she is known at Tony’s – heads up marketing for the DACH region and was the very first employee in the newly set up GmbH. Her daily job is creating awareness for the issues, that still exist in the cocoa industry and inspiring consumers to support Tony’s mission for change.

Nina Birkeland - Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Senior Advisor on Disaster Displacement and Climate Change

Prof. Dr. Pierre Thielbörger - Professor at Ruhr Universität Bochum and Hertie School
Prof. Dr. Pierre Thielbörger is Professor of Public Law and International Law and Director of the Institute for Peacekeeping Law and International Humanitarian Law (IFHV) at the Ruhr-University Bochum and Associate Professor of Law and Governance at the Hertie School. He is also Co-Speaker of the Human Rights Working Group of the European Society of International Law and President of the General Assembly of the worldwide "Network on Humanitarian Action" (NOHA).

Rachael Cummings - Save the Children UK, Director Humanitarian Public Health Team
Rachael Cummings is the Director of the Humanitarian Public Health Team at Save the Children UK. She has been working in development and humanitarian settings for over 15 years. Most recently, she contributed to set up the COVID-19 emergency health response in Cox’s Bazar. Cummings’ previous experiences include the West Africa Ebola outbreak in 2014/15, where she was part of the team to establish the Ebola Treatment Centre in Kerry Town.

Ralf Südhoff - Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA), Director
Ralf Südhoff heads the research project on policy and strategic capacities of German humanitarian actors. Prior to that, he was Director of WFP’s Regional Bureau for the Syria Crisis in Amman (2017-2018) as well as Director of the WFP Office in Berlin for Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein for almost 10 years.

Ricardo Valenzuela - Foundation Halü Bienestar Humano Colombia, Director International Cooperation & Institutional Relations

Sonja Hövelmann - Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA), Research Fellow
Sonja Hövelmann is a research fellow at the CHA, where she works on the Humanitarian-Development-Peace-Nexus and the Shrinking Humanitarian Space. Prior to this she worked as a program officer for quality management at Caritas international and coordinated the Joint Master Programme in Humanitarian Action (NOHA) at the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict.

Dr. Stefan Voigt – German Aerospace Center, Coordinator of DLR Humanitarian Technology Initiative
Tidiane Fall holds a Master degree in Geography and ecology. He can look back on 17 years of experience with Int. NGOs (World Vision, Couterpart Int., Save the Children, Alianza Por la Solidarid, MPDL, AAH) in 6 African countries. He served 7 years in Senior Management positions like programs Management and Country representative. He has a good knowledge and strong leadership on change Management, humanitarian coordination and humanitarian access negotiation.

Valentin Thurn - Director ("Taste the Waste")
Valentin Thurn became internationally known with several priced cinema documentaries. He authored the books "Die Essensvernichter" and "Harte Kost" to accompany his films and has produced over 40 documentaries for ARD, ZDF and ARTE in the past 20 years. He founded "Foodsharing e. V." and the "Taste of Heimat e. V." and inspired over 30 cities in the German-speaking region to found a nutrition council.

Wadzanai Motsi-Khatai - Center for Intersectional Justice (CIJ), Program Manager
Wadzanai Motsi-Khatai holds a Master of Public Administration from Hertie School of Governance. She is currently Program Manager at the CIJ in Berlin. Wadzanai has over six years of experience working with government, int. non-profit, as well as community organizations. Her diverse professional experience includes working with the Govt. of Zimbabwe to develop national strategies for HIV testing, and treatment for children, working with young political activists in different countries as well as building a community for a circular economy in Berlin.

Walter Kälin - Professor Emeritus of International Law, University of Bern and since 2017 member of NRC’s Board of Directors

Wayne Jordash QC - Global Rights Compliance, Lawyer for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law
Wayne Jordash´s experience spans capacity building, advisory work, and international litigation (at the ICC and ICJ) to enhance human rights protection. He developed GRC’s Starvation Portfolio, the development of “first-to-market” training materials for investigators of starvation violations, the training of UN organizations and direct involvement in the historic Rome Statute Amendment in December 2019 to include starvation as a crime in a non-international armed conflict.

Willow Rook - Action Against Hunger Yemen, Head of Programmes
Willow Rook is ACF’s head of programmes in Yemen, coordinating activities in health, nutrition, food security, and water and sanitation. She has six years of experience in field operations and programme management in South Sudan, Iraq, Ethiopia and Yemen. Willow holds a Master’s degree from the LSE.