For ten years, the journalists at ‘Eliat Rooz’, Afghanistan's largest daily newspaper, have been investigating corruption and abuse of power, for which the independent publication received an award from Transparency International in 2020. As the US army frantically organises its withdrawal, President Ghani flees the country, and the Taliban take over, the full extent of the threat becomes apparent: censorship is imposed, bank accounts are frozen, journalists are attacked in the streets. While the Taliban are firing outside, the publisher and editors are inside discussing what to do next. Is critical reporting still possible? Should they risk their safety and that of their families – or is the price too high?
Read an interview with Reporters Without Borders on press freedom here. »

Gemma Pörzgen
Gemma Pörzgen

Monawer Ziarmal
Monawer Ziarmal
Monawer kommt selber aus Afghanistan und hat dort als Journalist und Youth Counselor gearbeitet, bevor er im Rahmen seines Studiums nach Berlin kam. Während seines Studiums hat er als Übersetzer gearbeitet und die Organisation Youth4EU gegründet. Seit Dezember 2021 arbeitet er bei RSF im Afghanistan-Team des Nothilfe-Referates und ist unser Experte für die afghanische Medienlandschaft.

Zahra Nader
Zahra Nader
Zahra Nader is an Afghan journalist and editor-in-chief of Zan Times, a media that covers human rights violations in Afghanistan.
She started her career as a journalist in 2011 in Kabul and joined the New York Times bureau in 2016. She has been bylined in publications ranging from Time and Foreign Policy to the Guardian, Globe and Mail and DW.
In October 2022, Zahra has briefed the UN Security Council during the Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security. In February 2023, she was awarded the Kathy Gannon Legacy Award by the Coalition For Women In Journalism.
She is also a Ph.D. student in Gender, Feminist & Women’s Studies at York University in Canada.
Gefolgt von Filmgespräch mit / Followed by film talk with Gemma Pörzgen, Monawer Ziarmal, Zahra Nader, Abbas Rezaie

Gemma Pörzgen
Gemma Pörzgen

Monawer Ziarmal
Monawer Ziarmal
Monawer kommt selber aus Afghanistan und hat dort als Journalist und Youth Counselor gearbeitet, bevor er im Rahmen seines Studiums nach Berlin kam. Während seines Studiums hat er als Übersetzer gearbeitet und die Organisation Youth4EU gegründet. Seit Dezember 2021 arbeitet er bei RSF im Afghanistan-Team des Nothilfe-Referates und ist unser Experte für die afghanische Medienlandschaft.

Zahra Nader
Zahra Nader
Zahra Nader is an Afghan journalist and editor-in-chief of Zan Times, a media that covers human rights violations in Afghanistan.
She started her career as a journalist in 2011 in Kabul and joined the New York Times bureau in 2016. She has been bylined in publications ranging from Time and Foreign Policy to the Guardian, Globe and Mail and DW.
In October 2022, Zahra has briefed the UN Security Council during the Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security. In February 2023, she was awarded the Kathy Gannon Legacy Award by the Coalition For Women In Journalism.
She is also a Ph.D. student in Gender, Feminist & Women’s Studies at York University in Canada.