Discount Workers

Christopher Patz, Ammar Aziz | Germany, Pakistan | 2020 | OmeU
Christopher Patz, Ammar Aziz | Germany, Pakistan | 2020 | | OmeU

One can never be totally certain whether their clothes were sewn in a dark windowless cellar by someone working under wretched conditions and without safety regulations. This film tracks the persistent efforts of a mother to obtain not only justice for her son but also dignified conditions for thousands of others. Does she stand a chance against corporate interest and the western demand for cheap clothing, when the path to justice is arduous and drags on for years? But, does she even stand a chance against corporate interest and the western demand for cheap clothing?  

Regie:  Christopher Patz, Ammar Aziz
Producer:  Stefan Kloos, Veronika Janatková
Cinematographer:  Christopher Patz
Editor:  Farah Kassem
30.09. - 20.10. |

Verfügbarkeit: 30. September 22:00 Uhr bis 20. Oktober 23:59 Uhr. 24h Zugriff ab Wiedergabebeginn.

06.10. | 20:30 | ACUDkino

Anschließendes Filmgespräch mit Miriam Saage-Maaß (ECCHR)

Tickets sind auch vor Ort erhältlich.

07.10. | 18:00 |

Anschließendes Filmgespräch mit Miriam Saage-Maaß (ECCHR)

Tickets sind auch vor Ort erhältlich.

Regie:  Christopher Patz, Ammar Aziz
Producer:  Stefan Kloos, Veronika Janatková
Cinematographer:  Christopher Patz
Editor:  Farah Kassem