I Wanted To Live

Christian Alexander Rogler | Germany | 2019 | German / English
Christian Alexander Rogler | Germany | 2019 | | German / English

"I Wanted to Live" is an up-to-the-minute cinematic challenge, which is related to the documented death of more than 35,597 refugees and migrants, who have lost their lives within, or on the borders of Europe since 1993. The work is a new approach to adapt data for the big screen, as well as in an cinematic installation context for art galleries, museums, schools and other mobile projection. And by that to investigate the potentialities of cinema as a room for memorial, reflection and consequent political action.

The film aims to raise awareness on this issue throughout Europe and to animate audiences and politicians to reconsider European immigration policies in order to develop a human vision on migration. The sheer number of deaths documented in "I Wanted to Live" is powerful in itself, yet each individual casualty must not get lost in statistics. The human dimension is what makes the words projected on the screen so potent; by giving attention to the very real challenges, struggles and suffering that migrants face, it helps the target audience to relate to and engage with the situation. It is at the same time a new approach to cinema itself.

Director:  Christian Alexander Rogler
12.09. | 19:00 |
Director:  Christian Alexander Rogler